Kindly consider check or wire transfer payment for gifts of $5,000+ as Lincoln Park Zoo pays 3% in fees for each credit card transaction. For questions and directions, or to make a payment over the phone, please contact  

Gift Levels


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Quantity and Pricing
Zoo Ball 2023: Reaching New Heights
Funds raised from Zoo Ball: Reaching New Heights will be directed toward the present greatest needs for Lincoln Park Zoo, which includes support for animal care, the community, and conservation initiatives.
Friday, July 14, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Attendees: 10 $ 50,000.00 ea.
Attendees: 10 $ 25,000.00 ea.
Attendees: 10 $ 15,000.00 ea.
Attendees: 10 $ 10,000.00 ea.
Attendees: 1 $ 1,000.00 ea.




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